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Friday, August 13, 2010

My Once big Clouds

Many years ago,I had lofty goals for two different domains,the first for myself,the second for the world.I wanted to scale the richness height and take my place among the well off people in the area(heheheh) a young teacher(that is once long ago), I wanted to inspire the girls and boys facing me every morning to go forth and change the world...
Alas, the reality has fallen far short of the ideal in both domains.Although I succeeded in making a good living but I am nowhere in the big league.As my student, as far as i'm concern, majority of them are too preoccupied with ensuring that they attain a material success to have other goals.
This have of course made me realised that in the imperfect world we live in,idealism has given way to realism, that indeed dreams do sometimes shatter painfully against the hard realities of day to day existence.
We sometimes forget that we live in a world of great complexity,flux and change.Mind boggling occurring almost on a daily basis giving impact to our activity and decision taking.
So I took supplement to overcome this dreadful life style....take good food,physically and spiritually.


  1. uiii make me THINK hard of our profession now. Ceh....pun kalo mo tukar...tatap n berpencen sudah tu...

  2. Jangan ko begitu ba...itu up n downla tu..kikiki

  3. Don't give up my friend...seperti kata orang dulu2..
    "we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love." by mother Teresa
