I've married for almost eight years now and now I have a beautiful, chubby and cute six years old and one year old daughter,Deanna and Kendra and the most handsome three years old young boy,Danish.
This is my letter to them.I hope it conveys me and my husband unconditional love,hopes and aspirations.

Dear Deanna,Danish and Kendra,
Like all mothers, I want the three of you to eclipse all my achievements.I want the three of you to be God fearing, successful and driven young lads.Do apply and practise some of the pointers below.
Read voraciously
Anecdotal evidence by child development experts such Glenn Doman says that being a voracious reader from a young age gives you a higher chance of success later in life.After all,all of mankind's knowledge is documented in the written form. I hope that you develop a passion for reading and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. I can't wait to share some of my books with you.
However, please note that knowledge is not power. The application of knowledge that harnesses empowerment..( smile...)
Find and pursue your passsion
I hope that the three of you discover your life's passion and pursue it to the fullest. Napoleon Hill describes passion as having a burning desire or an obsession to fulfil one's goals and dreams. All who have succeeded will have to experience hardships, struggles and failure. But, if you pursue your passion with burning desire and persistence, success will surely ensue.
Though mummy does not have this passion (not enough means)but considered this went thinking of investment.My children,investing should be something that is scientific, habitual and almost mundane in nature. If you want to engage in an exciting activity, please take up skydiving or water skiing! (but I doubt if I allow it, anyway)...During my studies of business,I was introduced to great investors like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch and they are a great investment gurus simply because they invest in areas that are simple and understandable.
They do not fret unnecessarily about short term market volatility, but are more concerned with the long term underlying fundamentals of a particular investment.
Stock picking isn't rocket science.An understanding of financial statements is simply crucial,but some common sense goes a long way too.

A Kingdom of God in Me
The apostle Peter wrote : " Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts" ( 1 Peter 3 :15)."Sanctify" means to set apart Christ as Lord or Ruler of our life.
My lovable children, there is something within each of us that longs to be in control of our lives.It may be a small corner where we assert our spiritual independence and answer to no one but ourselves.
But true freedom comes when we allows Christ to rule our hearts.
In closing, have integrity and be an exemplar for society to follow. When you are successful, remember that many selfless individuals and circumstances also enabled you to reach your dreams. As such,it is only fair that you give back to society.
I would like to conclude with a quote by Henry David Thoreau :
"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters
compared to what lives within us"
Mommy(Johna Jinsin)
This is my letter to them.I hope it conveys me and my husband unconditional love,hopes and aspirations.
Dear Deanna,Danish and Kendra,
Like all mothers, I want the three of you to eclipse all my achievements.I want the three of you to be God fearing, successful and driven young lads.Do apply and practise some of the pointers below.
Read voraciously
Anecdotal evidence by child development experts such Glenn Doman says that being a voracious reader from a young age gives you a higher chance of success later in life.After all,all of mankind's knowledge is documented in the written form. I hope that you develop a passion for reading and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. I can't wait to share some of my books with you.
However, please note that knowledge is not power. The application of knowledge that harnesses empowerment..( smile...)
Find and pursue your passsion
I hope that the three of you discover your life's passion and pursue it to the fullest. Napoleon Hill describes passion as having a burning desire or an obsession to fulfil one's goals and dreams. All who have succeeded will have to experience hardships, struggles and failure. But, if you pursue your passion with burning desire and persistence, success will surely ensue.
Though mummy does not have this passion (not enough means)but considered this went thinking of investment.My children,investing should be something that is scientific, habitual and almost mundane in nature. If you want to engage in an exciting activity, please take up skydiving or water skiing! (but I doubt if I allow it, anyway)...During my studies of business,I was introduced to great investors like Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch and they are a great investment gurus simply because they invest in areas that are simple and understandable.
They do not fret unnecessarily about short term market volatility, but are more concerned with the long term underlying fundamentals of a particular investment.
Stock picking isn't rocket science.An understanding of financial statements is simply crucial,but some common sense goes a long way too.
A Kingdom of God in Me
The apostle Peter wrote : " Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts" ( 1 Peter 3 :15)."Sanctify" means to set apart Christ as Lord or Ruler of our life.
My lovable children, there is something within each of us that longs to be in control of our lives.It may be a small corner where we assert our spiritual independence and answer to no one but ourselves.
But true freedom comes when we allows Christ to rule our hearts.
In closing, have integrity and be an exemplar for society to follow. When you are successful, remember that many selfless individuals and circumstances also enabled you to reach your dreams. As such,it is only fair that you give back to society.
I would like to conclude with a quote by Henry David Thoreau :
"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters
compared to what lives within us"
Mommy(Johna Jinsin)
cayalah mummy....:)